Pegasus Imports


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Happy Holidays!

~Happy New Years~
Thank you for your orders! We appreciate your business so much.
Feel welcome to call to place your orders at 800-742-2323. When ordering online, please login to your account before filling your shopping cart. Thank you for letting us be part of your creations!


We are wholesale only and have a $250.00 minimum for showroom visits by appointment. Office hours for mail order are 9:00am to 5:30pm, Pacific Standard Time.  Please not that many items are by the weight and fluctuate from piece to piece.  Prices listed on the website are estimates only and the price of many items will be weighed before shipping.  Please note that your credit card will not be charged until you order has been filled.  Items that are not available or out of stock will not be charged to your card. Please call the office with any questions at 800-742-2323.

Minimum Order

We have a $250 minimum order. Please try to average at least $20.00 per style when ordering. We are not so strict about this but the key word is "average".


Try to allow for substitution if an item is out of stock since many of our items are hand made and take time to produce if we run out.

Back Orders

We will back order a minimum of $50 worth of an item if you request a back order for that item. Otherwise you can just reorder later when it comes in again. We can special order commercial quantities of 250 gms or more of most items with an average of 2 months advance notice. Production time varies according to country of origin.

Orders by Phone, Fax and Email

When ordering by phone, please have your order prepared and ready. Please call 800-742-2323.  If you have several pages of items, please fax your order to 707-569-1545 or email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Orders by fax or email are always appreciated. Please provide us with a copy of your seller's permit or business license number will all first orders.


Please note that items in silver and vermeil vary in weight and price from piece to piece.  The labels on your packages are estimates only.  We may weigh your order in bulk to save time and the total we charge you may be slightly higher or lower.  Most of the items in this catalog are sold by the weight and they have weights listed under the item number, please note that items weigh slightly different piece to piece and production to production so the price may be higher or lower than what is stated..  All other items (those without weights listed) are sold by the piece and have the piece price listed next the item number. Please note that all prices may be subject to change and we are not responsible for typographical errors.

Volume Discounts

If you need very large quantities of a single item, then please call for pricing. A kilo discount is available for customers mixing and matching minimum quantities of findings to attain a 1000-gram order. The kilo discount lowers the price by 10 cents a gram on all categories and gives you 10% off all items by the piece.


Items in original condition may be returned within 30 days of receipt, just simply send them back with a note to have us refund your card or your account. No refunds on special orders.


We use United States Priority Mail and UPS for shipping and charge standard US Postal and UPS rates plus a $1.50 handling charge. Insurance costs 40 cents per $100 on all parcels. Normally your order will go out within a few days, however when we are really busy it can take up to 10 days to get your order out. So please try to plan ahead, especially during the yearly Tuscon Gem Show from late January to mid February.

Gold Plate (Vermeil)

Our vermeil is 22 Karat gold over sterling silver. We carry many of our best sellers in gold plate, however other items may need to be special ordered if not in stock. Special orders take 2 to 3 weeks and are subject to a minimum order.


We try to offer several stone choice for each gemstone item, however they are subject to availability. Please try to be flexible on stone choices when ordering smaller quantities. We can special order commercial quantities of 250 gms or more of a given stone type with 3 months notice.

Glossary of gemstone abbreviations:
Abbreviation Description
A Amethyst, cab/fac
Ap Apatite, cab
BL Black Onyx, cab
C Citrine, cab/fac
CCZ Clear CZ
Cn Carnelian, cab
G Garnet, cab/fac
I Iolite, cab/fac
L Labrodite, cab
P Pearl
Per Peridot, cab/fac
Rm Rainbow Moonstone, cab
SM Smokey Quartz, fac
T Turquoise, cab


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Ordering Info

We are wholesale only and have a $100.00 minimum for showroom visits by appointment. 

Pricing Info

Please note prices shown are estimates only. All orders are weighed at checkout. Please note that credit cards are processed at check out. What this means is that when you enter your credit card, it is not run until the order has been filled and you are charged for only the items shipped to you. Thank you so much for your order.

Shipping Info

We use United States Priority Mail and UPS for shipping and charge standard US Postal and UPS rates plus a handling charge.